Thursday, August 21, 2008

What BodyFat Percentage Are You?

Wow, what a personal question, huh? I know that in the TT challenge I did and the forums I participate in, people regularly report their bodyfat % from various methods of measuring - scale, caliper, immersion, DEXA. It's impossible to compare, as every method gives different results, and the rational in my mind is mostly to measure progress and my own personal milestones as opposed to considering it "fact"...

Leigh Peele, author of Fat Loss Troubleshoot and Metabolic Repair Manual, has created a video/slideshow where she walks through how you can visually estimate body fat, and what she looks at when doing so. Of course it is an art, not a science, but it is an interesting exercise! Also, she talks alot about fat vs muscle and how 15% BF can look completely different on two different people and why.

Here is the link if you are interested in viewing this 25-30 minute video/slideshow...

Click here to view Leigh's blog and see the body fat video

I have her manuals, as I mentioned, and they were VERY thorough and very interesting - I'll have to do a full write up/review at a later date, but here you can find one done by a shrewd fitness friend, Skwigg: Click here to visit Skwigg's blog

Click here to learn more about Leigh's Fat Loss Troubleshoot.

End of the Turbulence Training contest soon! I am excited to see the finalists and have voting under way!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Exercise Alone Doesn't Work!!

Ugh, my worst fears have finally been confirmed by research scientists! There's no way I can ignore this concept now that it is practically "fact"!!

Take a look at the article put out by John M Berardi, PhD, CSCS today...

Click Here for Article

People who trained 5 DAYS A WEEK for 12 WEEKS lost only **1 lb** on average!!!! These test subjects were working out using a Berardi designed weights program, and with a trainer and cardio coach each of those 5 sessions...Hmmm, can't question that they were likely expending a LOT of energy...But there was NO mention of eating as part of this test program, and so the assumption was that their eating remainded static/did not change.

1 lb lost - in 12 weeks...How mad/frustrated/sick would you be if you went from SEDENTARY to working out THAT HARD for 12 weeks, and lost 1 lb...Holy mother of treadmill-running rats - I would BLOW a GASKET (okay, "YELLING" portion of this post is over! :)).

Anyway, it's an eye opener, and something to think hard about if you are not seeing the results from your workouts that you'd like. Since my transformation/weight loss, almost everyone I talk to who has had a similar loss has said, "yep, once I focused on my eating, the workouts really started to have an effect!" - kind of backwards, but I get what they mean. Once you get your eating in line, you can see the results of your workouts!! And that's what it is all about, right?!

So, I am zoning in on an eating program to follow now that I have had enough "free time" after the contest! It will be very in-line with Precision Nutrition principles - as almost every clean eating diet is. I know I need to fuel my body, and eat the right foods at the right times to do so. That's what PN is about. I'll post what I come up with - then I'll have to give it a few weeks and see how it does in helping me maintain or lose weight (just a few lbs I've played with since the contest ended). If it works, great - if not, I'll tweak it until it does.

Thanks for stopping by - please let me know who you are and if you relate! It's so great to hear comments and feedback!
