Wednesday, September 24, 2008

21-Day Challenge/Mission Statement!

So, I was reading about a 21-day challenge today, and it made me think about how frustrated I am with my own eating and discipline right now, despite working my toushie off in the gym...I miss my uber-lean self, and want to take a step to head back in the right direction...To that means, here is my mission statement:

My health and wellness deserve a renewed focus in my life, and my body is craving the foods I know will nourish and strengthen me. I will use the next 21 days to kick off the healthier habits I want to instill in my life, and prove to myself that I can regain and maintain my healthy physique.

For the next 21 days, I will:
1. Workout each morning with 1 rest day per week
2. Prepare and bring my daily food to work
3. Follow a clean eating diet, with 90% compliance
4. Complete all New Rules of Lifting (Fat Loss 1)workouts
5. Have a massage to celebrate during the final 7 days
6. Plan healthful dinners for the week to limit grocery store trips and lazy eating
7. Blog about my 21-day challenge and my progress
8. Take and post before and after pictures to motivate me through challenges, and appreciate the progress I make in this short period.

My goal for these 21 days is to execute the above 100%, lose 5 pounds, and inspire others to start their own 21-day challenge!

That said - um, pictures? Really? Did I write that??!! Since the final day of my TT challenge/contest, I have really avoided the camera. It's funny how ANY extra weight feels HORRIBLE when you've been pretty lean! But, it's the great equalizer, and pictures don't lie...But, logistically I may have an issue getting pics taken/downloaded, so I am REALLY going to try to make that one happen, but am going to hit the others full force even if I am not able to accomodate that one.

I'll start my 21-day challenge tomorrow, and finish on Wed Oct 15th (yay - Wed I head out of town to MN for a family visit - it's perfect timing for feeling great around family I haven't seen in a while!). My trip is just one more STRONG inspiration to stick with my plan and my mission!!

Anyone want to join me? :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

TT Challenge Results!

Thank you to everyone who supported me in the 2nd Turbulence Training Challenge Competition - I won 2nd Place!!!! I am extremely happy, and so grateful for all the support I received along the way, on the TT boards, and from those close to me - it wasn't always easy putting up with my diet or training "needs" (which were of course of highest priority to me, and usually me alone!), and I really appreciate the sacrifices that others made (primarily hubby - thanks hon!).

It's really been an eye-opener for me to lose this weight and succeed in meeting my goals...In an effort this intense, with the pressure of a time period, there is always the "afterwards" that is a crapshoot! What happens AFTER the lights go down, and no one is asking me my weight every morning? Good question, and I'll answer it honestly.

For me, there was definitely a freedom that I went through, of eating, of relaxing more, of a lack of stress that translated into a better mood and easier life. It was the freedom of eating, TOTAL freedom, that I struggled to get back on track! Now, I didn't go eat donuts all day, but, if donuts were my thing, I probably would have...That said, I was shocked at how little my weight responded. There was water weight that did rebound fairly quickly once I was well hydrated, but beyond that I have only fluctuated a few lbs. I am now back to eating clean and quickly getting back down to where I was at. Once you are lean, I discovered, REALLY lean, it is hard to feel that layer covering up your muscles! Not acceptable!! I am looking to maintain at about 15%, which I think will be achievable and maintainable. My diet now looks similar to during the competition, but a few more clean carbs, and I get a cheat meal (and maybe 1-2 SMALL cheats during the week - we'll see how my body continues to respond!)! Much more maintainable for me...

I am working on a new workout program, just something new to change things up, although very similar to the concepts of Turbulence Training! It is the New Rules of Lifting (a book, available in most bookstores, but check before you go as they usually only have 1 copy!). Basic stuff, but focusing on building some muscle and shaking things up a bit to keep my body guessing. I'll go back and forth with Turbulence Training as well, as Craig is always putting out new programs that I know I'll be itching to try! Have to get some kettleballs as well - I have heard the workouts are addicting! See? I have workout ADHD - but that is okay, as long as I continue to see results by shifting between good programs and giving each program enough time to add value.

I have been EXTREMELY busy at work, with about 50% more work since a co-worker left, which is why I have not posted my results until today! The next TT challenge is started, but you have until Sept 14th, I believe, to start - that means to submit pictures and commit yourself. If you are thinking about this, PLEASE give it a shot! You will not regret it! I have gone back to visit the threads of old friends doing this next challenge, and it is HARD to stand on the sidelines for this one! The energy is there, and the folks participating WILL lose 5-25 lbs a piece, if they finish, I can practically guarantee it! Just FINISH!! See it through!!! If you want that to be YOU in those "after" pics, follow the link to the right to take TT for a 21 day test drive, get into the contest, and that could be you. Period.

Look at me - I am awaiting my $1000 check and lost 15 lbs that I never thought I'd be able to do, that I had STRUGGLED to do, for just about forever...I'm a different person, one who is now maintaining at their goal weight, instead of LONGING to reach their goal weight!

Okay, I am off of my soapbox! If you hit the TT challenge boards - say hi to all of my old friends!! They are experts and continue to lose weight and fine tune their bodies through these challenges...