Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6 Weeks Into the PN Lean Eating Coaching Program!

So sorry I have not been updating this regularly - I was SO excited to start the Precision Nutrition Lean Eating Coaching program on Nov 23rd, and then I had Thanksgiving, a funeral, and the holidays to travel for, and although I was "absorbing", and getting my workouts in as much as possible, it was a rough start to the program...In fact, I GAINED weight - just 2 lbs - in the first 5 weeks. I think I just mentally never committed due to the challenges that travel brought, and I found it impossible to get my kitchen stocked and spend the time needed to cook and prepare to be successful!

However, when I returned from MN for the holidays it was a whole new ballgame! I feel SO good now that I have been able to really dive in - getting my compliance MUCH closer to the 90% goal (for me) in the past week+...And the holiday pounds are already coming off, but even beyond that I am just feeling and looking more lean and healthy.

Yes, I did gain back a good 10 lbs from where I was at after the TT Challenge, and that is frustrating, no question about it. However, what I LOVE about the PN Lean Eating program is that it daily exposes us to new concepts, articles, books, thoughts, options, etc, where I am constantly thinking and learning and growing. Not just that, but I am COOKING! Really good, tasty foods!!!! So, where previous diets had been "4 oz ground turkey, 6 oz steamed veggies, 1 tsp EVOO", I am now enjoying Beef Stir Fry, and Turkey Sausage Casserole - yum (recipes included in the PN program)! Meals that my husband and I can BOTH enjoy, by the way - as fun as it was to prepare and eat completely separate meals for every diet I was on - NOT!

I am embarrassed to admit that I always sort of KNEW the PN principles, and I had the binder on a shelf for a LONG time, but I never really dug in and executed - the chopping of veggies and preparation scared me, I think! I can not believe how much more "livable" and "balanced" life is when you are eating actual food/meals...I can maintain this, I can say with confidence...I know it is early in the program - I have months and months of support and ADDITONAL growth left to experience, so it only gets better from here. I am eating veggies I've never actually purchased at the grocery store before, and am joining a Community Supported Agriculture Co-Op that will start delivering boxes of locally grown organic produce (and eggs!) each week...Me - the veggie "hater"! Turns out preparation is key...Who knew??!!

I highly encourage anyone thinking about the PN coaching program to not hesitate the next time it comes around. I am so glad I jumped in for the 6 month ride when I had the chance! Also, PN has updated and revised their Precision Nutrition program - if you pre-order now I think there is a $50 savings. The link on the right column of my blog will take you there...

Honestly, I am SO strongly convinced that eating is the crux of whether I am lean or not - the workouts just need to get done, and alot of options will suffice. But eating, that is the kicker for me - get it right, and leanness ensues...Get it wrong, and I suffer with extra bodyfat DESPITE all the hard work I put in at the gym...But if you can get it right, be lean, AND be balanced and happy - well, I've never been there before, but I can tell you that I am betting it is PRETTY sweet...

I am excited to move forward, and I'll try to post regular updates now that the frenzy of the holidays is past!
