Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6 Weeks Into the PN Lean Eating Coaching Program!

So sorry I have not been updating this regularly - I was SO excited to start the Precision Nutrition Lean Eating Coaching program on Nov 23rd, and then I had Thanksgiving, a funeral, and the holidays to travel for, and although I was "absorbing", and getting my workouts in as much as possible, it was a rough start to the program...In fact, I GAINED weight - just 2 lbs - in the first 5 weeks. I think I just mentally never committed due to the challenges that travel brought, and I found it impossible to get my kitchen stocked and spend the time needed to cook and prepare to be successful!

However, when I returned from MN for the holidays it was a whole new ballgame! I feel SO good now that I have been able to really dive in - getting my compliance MUCH closer to the 90% goal (for me) in the past week+...And the holiday pounds are already coming off, but even beyond that I am just feeling and looking more lean and healthy.

Yes, I did gain back a good 10 lbs from where I was at after the TT Challenge, and that is frustrating, no question about it. However, what I LOVE about the PN Lean Eating program is that it daily exposes us to new concepts, articles, books, thoughts, options, etc, where I am constantly thinking and learning and growing. Not just that, but I am COOKING! Really good, tasty foods!!!! So, where previous diets had been "4 oz ground turkey, 6 oz steamed veggies, 1 tsp EVOO", I am now enjoying Beef Stir Fry, and Turkey Sausage Casserole - yum (recipes included in the PN program)! Meals that my husband and I can BOTH enjoy, by the way - as fun as it was to prepare and eat completely separate meals for every diet I was on - NOT!

I am embarrassed to admit that I always sort of KNEW the PN principles, and I had the binder on a shelf for a LONG time, but I never really dug in and executed - the chopping of veggies and preparation scared me, I think! I can not believe how much more "livable" and "balanced" life is when you are eating actual food/meals...I can maintain this, I can say with confidence...I know it is early in the program - I have months and months of support and ADDITONAL growth left to experience, so it only gets better from here. I am eating veggies I've never actually purchased at the grocery store before, and am joining a Community Supported Agriculture Co-Op that will start delivering boxes of locally grown organic produce (and eggs!) each week...Me - the veggie "hater"! Turns out preparation is key...Who knew??!!

I highly encourage anyone thinking about the PN coaching program to not hesitate the next time it comes around. I am so glad I jumped in for the 6 month ride when I had the chance! Also, PN has updated and revised their Precision Nutrition program - if you pre-order now I think there is a $50 savings. The link on the right column of my blog will take you there...

Honestly, I am SO strongly convinced that eating is the crux of whether I am lean or not - the workouts just need to get done, and alot of options will suffice. But eating, that is the kicker for me - get it right, and leanness ensues...Get it wrong, and I suffer with extra bodyfat DESPITE all the hard work I put in at the gym...But if you can get it right, be lean, AND be balanced and happy - well, I've never been there before, but I can tell you that I am betting it is PRETTY sweet...

I am excited to move forward, and I'll try to post regular updates now that the frenzy of the holidays is past!



Trixie said...

Hey Karla,
I would love to ask you some nutrition questions,would you email me?

Karla said...

Trixie - I can not respond to your comment via email as there is no address hooked to it. Please let me know where to contact you and I'd be happy to! Karla

Trixie said...

you can contact me at sweetonnh@yahoo.com...thanks!