The program was created by Craig Ballantyne. Of course there are alot of "fitness guru's" out there, but I'd come across Craig's name before in my husband's Men's Health magazine, and also in Oxygen and Shape magazines (I have gotten 10+ magazines per month forever to keep me amused during marathon cardio sessions!). So I considered him quite qualified as a fitness expert.
I did some reading on Craig, and learned his experience goes back to the mid-nineties, in both the gym and in the research lab. He's actually led research trials on sport supplements, strength training, and cardiovascular training. Plus, Craig has been a strength coach and has worked with hundreds of clients in thousands of training sessions.
Craig's articles are pretty hard on traditional aerobic cardio workouts. So if you're looking for new ways to spend 30 or 60-minutes doing cardio (and catch up on your magazines!), then this program is not for you. But if you only have 45 minutes to workout, a couple of times per week, and you have access to only a bench, dumbells, and an exercise ball, then you'll like what Craig has for you here.
So, what is Turbulence Training? Well according to Craig, its the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts (uh huh, while you AREN'T even sweating!). He says, "Cardio doesn't boost your metabolism after exercise. Only strength training and interval training do that - while you work, sleep, and eat - your body will be shedding fat."
Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment. So again, if you are one of those people who loves machines, or cardio equipment, or marathon workouts, then this program is not for you.
I've been using the program for about 6 weeks now - starting just prior to the start of the Turbulence Training Challenge. I really love it! Why? Because I no longer choose to allocate my precious time to hours in the gym each week! After we got our puppy, Maximus, last year, suddenly I wasn't free to get home from work at 7pm, or head off to the gym every morning at 5:30am. My little guy needed exercise and TIME from me! My workouts and body went downhill fast - I put on 10 lbs and nothing fit. Buying new clothes even though you have a closet of GREAT clothes that are just too small is NOT fun.
Turbulence Training system is known for burning fat without sacrificing muscle - so you end up lean, defined, chiseled and toned. 4 weeks into the Turbulence Training Challenge #2, and I have lost 5 lbs and 1.5% BF. I know these results will continue.
The best part about it (okay, second best to losing WEIGHT!) is that the workouts are FUN and VARIED! So many workouts are boring (i.e. long cardio) or repetitive (i.e. doing the same bodybuilding workout over and over again). But Turbulence Training uses a lot of unique (but not fluffy) exercises, including some cool, killer bodyweight moves that will make you more athletic and increase your functional and core strength - again, all with minimal equipment needs. I do workout in a gym for my sessions, but on vacation this summer I plan to switch to a body weight TT workout series, so I can maintain even without a gym or weights or equipment.
I am even recommending this program to friends who are just starting out, because Craig has put together a 6-week introductory program, and a 4-week intermediate program in addition to the 16-week advanced training phase (PLUS, the Turbulence Training program comes with a massive amount of bonus workouts for muscle building, bodyweight only, advanced fat loss, and even a female specific bonus). So, there is a program for you no matter what your experience level is, and Craig is constantly delivering NEW workouts for members, so you'll never be bored! Oh yeah, and every workout contains pictures of every exercise - so even if you've never done ANY of the exercises, you can pick it up with no problem. This comes in handy when you're asked to do "Decline Spiderman Pushups" for the first time...(??!!)
Okay, so bottom line. Turbulence Training is NOT....
Long, slow cardio workouts
A machine-based exercise circuit
A bodybuilding program to gain bulk
A workout with lots of time-wasting isolation exercises
A restrictive eating plan
Turbulence Training provides NONE of the above. Turbulence Training DOES provide the perfect workout for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes without spending a lot of money on equipment or space on exercise machines. Oh, and you'll actually have fun and you won't "dread" these workouts - heck, they are over before you know it!
If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Craig's program. I was very impressed with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, the bonuses, the guarantee, and Craig's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal in the fitness and fat loss industry - so much better than diet pills! And remember...
Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee. And this is a real guarantee... if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." I definitely was a skeptic, and was ready to use the guarantee if needed, but I will not be needing that at this time given the results I am seeing!
If you are serious about losing fat and inches with a plan that will fit into a busy lifestyle AND that you can maintain over the long haul, you really have nothing to lose.
Click Here to Try Turbulence Training Risk Free
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