Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Exercise Alone Doesn't Work!!

Ugh, my worst fears have finally been confirmed by research scientists! There's no way I can ignore this concept now that it is practically "fact"!!

Take a look at the article put out by John M Berardi, PhD, CSCS today...

Click Here for Article

People who trained 5 DAYS A WEEK for 12 WEEKS lost only **1 lb** on average!!!! These test subjects were working out using a Berardi designed weights program, and with a trainer and cardio coach each of those 5 sessions...Hmmm, can't question that they were likely expending a LOT of energy...But there was NO mention of eating as part of this test program, and so the assumption was that their eating remainded static/did not change.

1 lb lost - in 12 weeks...How mad/frustrated/sick would you be if you went from SEDENTARY to working out THAT HARD for 12 weeks, and lost 1 lb...Holy mother of treadmill-running rats - I would BLOW a GASKET (okay, "YELLING" portion of this post is over! :)).

Anyway, it's an eye opener, and something to think hard about if you are not seeing the results from your workouts that you'd like. Since my transformation/weight loss, almost everyone I talk to who has had a similar loss has said, "yep, once I focused on my eating, the workouts really started to have an effect!" - kind of backwards, but I get what they mean. Once you get your eating in line, you can see the results of your workouts!! And that's what it is all about, right?!

So, I am zoning in on an eating program to follow now that I have had enough "free time" after the contest! It will be very in-line with Precision Nutrition principles - as almost every clean eating diet is. I know I need to fuel my body, and eat the right foods at the right times to do so. That's what PN is about. I'll post what I come up with - then I'll have to give it a few weeks and see how it does in helping me maintain or lose weight (just a few lbs I've played with since the contest ended). If it works, great - if not, I'll tweak it until it does.

Thanks for stopping by - please let me know who you are and if you relate! It's so great to hear comments and feedback!


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