Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Official Turbulence Training Contest Pics and Statistics

Here are my official contest pics and statistics, as promised...

Start: May 5th, 2008
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 158 lbs
Bodyfat: 20.8% (using 7 pt skinfold test)
Chest: 38 7/8"
Upper Arm: 12 3/16"
Waist (smallest part): 29 1/4"
Belly Button: 30 11/16"
Hips: 40 1/2"
Thigh: 23 9/16"

End: July 27th, 2008
Weight: 142.8 lbs
Bodyfat: 14.15% (using 7 pt skinfold test)
Chest: 35 3/4"
Upper Arm: 11"
Waist (smallest part): 26 3/4"
Belly Button: 27 6/16"
Hips: 37 1/2"
Thigh: 21 14/16"
Weight: -15.2 lbs
Bodyfat: -6.65%
Chest: -3 1/8"
Upper Arm: -1 3/16"
Waist (smallest part): -2 1/2"
Belly Button: -3 5/16"
Hips: -3"
Thigh: -1 11/16"

Overall, I am SO completely happy with the results of this challenge! I want to say I gave it my all, but I know there were times I could have given more, despite the fact that I probably sacrificed and worked harder than probably 99.5% of what a "reasonable human being" would have done! There will ALWAYS be more that you can physically do, whether it is skipping a bite of this or that, or completing a full 60 minutes of cardio instead of 55 - the challenge is to push yourself to your utmost limit, whatever that is, when anything but success is not an option.
Scroll down to see the previous post if you have not seen my after pic from a photo taken by a friend! I like it much better than the official after pics, but it's hard to look great against a flat wall in a yellow room!
Again, I am not super human, and I would say "results not typical", but if I can do it, I really believe that anyone can do this! If you have 50 lbs to lose, or want to burn down to a super low body fat, I would recommend giving Turbulence Training a try - especially when combined with a clean diet. You can't out train a bad diet!! Whether you use Precision Nutrition or another clean eating program, that is a key element to success in transformation.
Ack - maintenance time! I am planning right now to start my next TT program tomorrow - am thinking of using Craig's new August posted workout - Hot Zone Fat Loss. Have heard good reviews on it, and I really just want to get back into a program that is going to keep me moving forward and regimented. For eating I am going to go back to where I started my transformation at - a base clean diet with oats, eggs/egg whites, ground turkey, chicken, cottage cheese, Fiber One, a few fruits...All the good stuff I came to love during this challenge! I may get back to cycling carbs if I can't maintain on that plan, but we'll see...It's a journey, not a destination!
Thanks for following along on my journey! I'll be posting more about the eating program I followed, the supps I added, and in general what helped me to lose 15 lbs of fat in 12 weeks (while putting on lean muscle at the same time!). Please feel free to ask questions!!


Julie B said...

Crazy coincidences!!! Two Harbors, UMD, amazing...Superior Hiking Trail..

NixonsMamma said...

You look awesome, Karla! Rooting for ya! Cousin Tira. xoxo.

Unknown said...

Waouh, super impressive! I started TT a couple of weeks ago now, I am through my third week of TT 4 women beginner/intermediate level. Could you please tell me which work-outs you followed? Cheers, Cecile

Karla said...

Thanks Cecile - you brought my attention back to my blog, and reminded me of where I was last summer! It was a great experience! I did TT Hardcore for Fat Loss, TT Advanced, and TT Intermediate, I think. I know I posted it in my essay and those are still up on www.transformationcontest.com. Good luck in your TT work -it's a great program with so many options!


Unknown said...

Thanks for answering Karla :)