Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Who is your Mentor?

If you're not currently familiar with Precision Nutrition site (click here
to go there and check out their forums!), and you're interested in losing weight, being fit, or getting 6 pack abs, you probably should mosey over there...So much information and expertise jammed into that site, you can get lost for days!

An interesting email hit my inbox earlier this week...PN did a survey of a sample of their newsletter subscribers, asking questions about happiness with their physique, level of fitness, knowledge about nutrition, and access to mentorship and social support.

The results were fascinating! On a scale of 1-5, people rated their happiness with their own physique as follows:

1-Extremely unhappy - I’m nowhere near my goal and I doubt I can make it.
2-Unhappy - I’m far from my goal but I’m willing to do something about it.
3-Ambivalent - I’m working toward my goal but I’ve got a ways to go.
4-Happy - I’m close to my goal and making progress.
5-Extremely Happy - I’ve achieved my goal and I’m working on maintenance now.

They then looked only at the people who answered 5-Extremely Happy in order to measure the impact of various factors on their success. You really need to read the full article here, but long and short of it is that although there wasn't significant difference in nutritional knowledge amongst level 3-5's (in happiness with physique), 77% of 5's said that they had access to regular mentorship (constructive and impartial feedback and direction, on a near daily basis, for a period of at least 3 mos). Only 17% of 3's and 4's said they had access to the same. Less than 5% of the 1's and 2's had such access.

Ryan Andrew's question of the day to readers was: do you have somebody in your life that actually knows how to eat well - and is healthy enough, vibrant enough, and fit enough to demonstrate it? Seriously, do you have someone that can help you work through nutrition problems and troubleshoot obstacles, rather than just telling you to eat more proteins, carbs, and fats? If you have a good role model in your social circle right now, someone who has already done what you want to do, and someone who can mentor you to success, make the absolute most of it! If however you don’t already have a mentor like that, FIND ONE IMMEDIATELY.

Interesting question for those of us in the TT Challenge - outside of mentorship, which is provided to a certain degree but maybe not the most personal level that Ryan seemed to be talking about, is the support found on the community. Not all of us find that support from family or friends, and even more limited is finding folks executing just what we are going through. The TT forums provide that, in spades! You're never in this alone unless you choose to be!

For those of you reading this who MAY be interested in that kind of support and community, think seriously about purchasing TT, or getting a trial membership, and getting to know the program and the community. The next challenge is coming - just around the corner. Are you going to sit on the sidelines and watch, or be one of us losing weight and feeling better every day??!!

My personal mentors?

My trainer, Michelle Adams(, who has competed herself in multiple figure competitions, as well as marathons and many other physically painful endeavors. I see her twice a week (one training session, one group bootcamp), and email back and forth daily. She keeps me on track and mentally going every day, and pushes me past the limits I'd set for myself physically! Not to mention celebrates every small victory with me, from a perspective of someone who knows how hard it is to hit each one

Also, my nutritionist, Dr. Clay Hyght. See - he's competed in many bodybuilding shows and has multiple degrees and certifications in exercise and nutrition, not to mention being a Chiropractor and winner of the 2007 Precision Nutrition "Hot Body" Contest! So, he's definitely walking the walk...He's responsible for prescribing the nutrition that, when combined with my TT training, will shred fat off of my body until I am a lean, lithe minx!

Are paid mentors necessary? Nope, not for most. For me, I am taking this challenge, this 12 weeks of my life, to prove to myself that I CAN achieve my goal of ultimate leanness. For me, I need the accountability and guidance of these two to make that level of leanness even a feasibility. For me, I don't HAVE friends or associates who've accomplished what I am looking to do that I can lean on for advice and guidance. And personally, let me tell you that I am DILIGENT about what I put into my mouth, and in executing my workout plan exactly, knowing two people are going to be looking at me and asking, "You ate WHAT??!! What were you thinking??!!"

So, take a look at the full article on Precision Nutrition, and think about what YOU have to gain from a built in support network synched with an effective workout program...I can tell you - 5 weeks and 6 lbs into this challenge, I consider joining TT a life changing decision for myself!

Please let me know what you think and what your experience has been! I look forward to your viewpoints!


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